Saturday, June 28, 2008

Summer Yard and Flowers

Here's a sprig of Syringa (Idaho State Flower) transplanted from Grandma Barker's back yard in St. Charles and now doing well in our backyard. I wish I good share the fragrance!

Our backyard is lookin' fairly decent. It should considering Burnhams' "Cutting Edge Lawn Care", Fertalawn, and all the hours we spend on it. Can you see me weeding on the upper deck?

First Coreopsis blooms...out by the pond.

Pink trumpet Weigela and Yellow Potentilla in the front yard.

3 comments: said...
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Autumn said...

Those Syringa are beautiful! You know sometimes I'm jealous that you have a yard...and then I think of all the work and I remember that it's nice that our Condo employs landscapers:) I'm glad I get to visit and enjoy your yard. Good job on all your hard work!

Robin said...

Oh! It's sooo beautiful. Alas, and alack, the Hillsboro Barkers are green with lawn envy!