Friday, March 27, 2009

Lasagna Party and Trenton Farewell

On Sunday, March 22nd, we (Dad and I and Autumn and Airie and Abram) woke up early. We'd stayed up late the night before eating a great dinner at Iggy's and playing a rousing game of Apples to Apples...ask Autumn about kilts sometime! We drove to Trenton, Utah, for Jared Barker's Missionary Farewell. The chapel was packed because 2 missionaries were featured. Jared's 10-minute talk about prayer was great. I'm not sure I've ever heard him say that many words before, but he seemed excited and ready to go. He'll leave for the MTC and then on to Eugene, Oregon, near the end of April. Afterwards there was a nice luncheon/feast and we got to see and talk with all the relatives. Mike is in remission from his cancer, but suffering at the moment from the effects of steroids (bloating) he is taking to relieve a rash/reaction to the treatments. He is weak, but everyone says he is doing much better. We drove back to Farmington and were joined by the Stansbury Barkers for a Lasagna Party to celebrate Dad and Abram's birthdays. By all accounts, it was a delicious success. Thanks to everyone for coming and for gifts and cards and a good time.

Birthday Boy polishing off the Birthday Cheesecake

The main event...looks just like the Kimchi soup...tasted a whole lot better, some of us are sure!

The Sno Cone Machine from A&A...the grandkids protested having to wait until summer!

The Best Birthday Box Ever from alligator with googly eyes and tear out teeth

Ahhhh...a Seniors' National Parks Pass that never expires. Yes, he's old enough.
Great idea Peanut!

Impressed with the candle on the cheesecake...taking a deep breath to blow it out!

Birthday Boy Abram opening his and treats from Baron & Donette.

Airie and Abram (and his sipee cup?)

Donette and Mr. Thomas-the-Train-Man, Colby.

All smiles after garlic toast, fresh grated parmesan and plenty of mozzarella on the lasagna and a great salad with Roquefort. Thanks for your help!

Baron and Paula and the remains of the cherry cheesecake.

Coby chillin'.

Brie painting a penguin picture for the frig.

Jared, Pam & Mike

Jessie and John Nelson & 18-month old daughter Sydni

Travis and Jasmine Wilhelm.

Kelly and Jackie Nelson


Brothers...Laur and Mike.


Autumn said...

What a fun weekend! Thanks for everything! It was great to see everyone and eat tasty food and have good times ;)'re all welcome to join me next year at the Scottish Fesitval!!

Donette said...

Thanks for having us over for all the yummy food. I love the pictures you got of the kids! Aren't they the cutest ever! I'm not biased or anything.

Airie said...

Thanks, as always, for hosting the really big shoe! It was great to see everyone and enjoy your superior lasagna. :D Hopefully the weather will warm up so that you can try out the snow cone maker!

briton said...

looks like it was a great party, all day. I think I could smell the lasagna from here that Sunday. thanks for the pics