Monday, March 9, 2009

Busy Weekend

On Friday, Dad and I went to Provo for a night that began with a visit to the BYU Museum of Art. We spent about an hour and a half seeing 2 excellent exhibits by Dan Steinhilber and Walter Wick.

Here are several of Dan Steinhilber's pieces of installation art. There were also sculptures using black trash bags, styrofoam packing peanuts blown around by floor fans, flickering fluorescent light tubes, etc. and then videos to see how they were constructed on site.

Dan Steinhilber's "Duck Sauce" from far away.

"Duck Sauce" up closer.

"Duck Sauce" really close...can you se the panda bears on the sauce packets? (click to enlarge)

Steinhilber's Sink and PVC

Steinhilber's Balloon collection

Walter Wick is a fabulous photographer/designer/model creator. He did the "I Spy" books and many others. His photos and models were studied, not browsed.

Scary Night hidden pictures.

Potion Bottle...look carefully at the skull for example, to see many spooky items.

ABCs with interesting associated items.

The Balloon Popper...follow the marble activated by the finger (upper left) until the tinker toy bird pops the balloon. We also saw a 1 minute video of it in action.

Next we went to dinner, Italian, and over to meet the "grandrats." Here's Butters!

Here's Moochie...supposed to be the shy one!

Mummy Airie likes to put on a hoodie--backwards--and insert the boys kinda like a baby bjorn. Afterwards, we enjoyed a great homemade Oregon blueberry pie with BYU Creamery vanilla ice cream, while we critiqued movies. We especially enjoyed Airie and Abram's conflicting opinions of "Sahara"!

On Sunday afternoon, we had a nice surprise visit from Autumn and Leslie returning from their weekend in Idaho. It's colder than it looks, but hey, the snow is almost all gone...until Monday when we got 3 or 4 more inches!

And Sunday night we drove out to Stansbury Park to see the Barker Bunch. Colby was tuckered out for the day, but Brie was full of energy.


Airie said...

You just had to bring up "Sahara" again, huh? hehe! We had such a great time during your visit. The boys were pleased to meet you too. I think I'm going to make some kind of "ratty bjorn" with some leftover fleece I have. It gets too warm with the hoody on for the hour+ I have them sleeping in there sometimes. Thanks again for all the fun!! (and tell Dad thanks for sending the photos) :)

Donette said...

We need to go see that exhibit in Provo! The photos are so cool! Thanks for coming out last sunday, it was nice to visit!

Autumn said...

Just saw the Walter Wick exhibit, I really enjoyed it. It was very creative, lots to try to figure out. It was really nice to be able to stop by for a minute and visit. Thanks for the Cheese Crips and Pie Dough Cookies!

briton said...

liked the photos of the art exhibit --very creative. and interested to learn of the I Spy guy, he's a fav at our house. oh, and nice rats A&A. fun night