Saturday, February 14, 2009


It's a snowy day here in Farmington...started last night and has accumulated about 5 or 6 inches. It's beautiful and we don't have to venture out! Good way to start a 3-day weekend.
Here are some photos of the decorations around the house to share with you and the grandkids. Hope everyone enjoys Valentine's Day, too. Lots of Love to All!

African violets in the kitchen window

My Valentine Angel

Nutcracker in a tux with a box of chocolates (I'm sure!)

My Valentine from Dad..."You make me melt." (I'm making him a fresh blueberry custard pie.)

Hearts sprouting

Another penquin

Dad & Mom Troll

Valentine Bear
Doily left on the doorstep (anonymously) for me about 25 years ago!

Rag Heart, a gift from Aunt Julie

Vinyl cling candy hearts on the back door

Looking out at the snow!


Autumn said...

Happy Valentines Day to you!!! Looks like your house was very festive! Love you tons!

Airie said...

Yes, festive as usual. Thanks again for dinner last night and especially to Dad for all the cardboard! :D

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your new grandchildren ....there is a lot of family resemblance! Loved your Valentine (did you take the picture on the front yourself.)? Can't believe all your snow. It is a headache and a lot of work but it can be very beautiful!