Monday, January 11, 2010

Unexpected January Visitors

Shortly after New Year's, we had visitors from Boise...Rana, Charlie, Logan and Marnie for a short visit. Logan came down to try out for a 4-month performing arts mission to Nauvoo this summer. Out of 200 applicants, he was one of 40 selected for an all-day audition at the Joseph Smith Building in Salt Lake. We hope he will be successful in landing a spot in the troupe! It was fun to go out for Chinese food and play Scattergories. Sorry we didn't take any photos!!

Then on Saturday the 9th of January we had a surprise visit from Robin and Sydney! What fun to see them in Utah, even if were only for a few hours. Autumn, Airie, Abram, Baron and Brie were able to stop by, too. We enjoyed some soup and bread and cheese and fruit and ice cream, played one game of Hot Potato, talked and laughed, and tickled/chased/swung/etc., Miss Sydney. Thanks, Robin and the gang for making the effort to stop in for a visit.

A girl with ponytails, bare pigs and a blanket.

With Grandpa and dolly.

Running! that girl is never still!

Grandma is playing "This Little Piggy Went to Market." Sydney's favorite word is "Again!"

Auntie Autumn helps with the Peanut M&Ms machine.

Cousin Brie doles out the pennies for the treats.

Mommy and finally-getting-tired Syd.

Time to say goodbye.


briton said...

Glad you were all able to hook up!! Thanks for the pics... sounds like you had fun. T and I did fine up here, playing legos together until all hours of the night!

Melissa said...

hey aunt p, it looks like you didn't hear...but LOGAN MADE IT! they only took 10 boys and 10 girls, and he is going to nauvoo this summer!!