Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Party Time


On December 6th I received a big beautiful bunch of poinsettias marking Dad and I's first date in 1968. I ususally look forward to/expect this annual gift from Dad, but this year I totally I was happily surprised. Thanks, Laur, I love you, too!

These mugho pines just off the deck are commonly referred to as "the staging area." Little birds perch on the tip tops prior to zoning in on the feeder, 5 to 10 feet away. This photo was taken through the mini-blinds. Notice how many sparrows are about to hit the buffet!

The guests have arrived for the Christmas Party. Colby is happy...I wonder what he's looking forward to?

Brielle reading "Rudolph."

Paula and the grandkids watching the large Christmas train as it speeds (!) around under the piano. Laur and I bought this train which has many moving parts, lights and sound effects for Grandpa Russell in 1998. He liked trains and had many fabulous model trains through the years. Unfortunately he died just 2 weeks before Christmas and never saw this one. But Grandma Russell has had it going around her Christmas tree in Boise for 11 years. Now that she has moved, the train has moved to Farmington. What a lot of fun to watch!!

Getting ready for the big battle (dinner). Red is in.

Ms. Cheesebread (thanks A&L).

Ohhhhh, love those shrimp!

The clam chowder...I'll have to double the recipe next year!

The table is spread...including the sage sausage stuffed mushrooms and bubbly (thanks B&D).

The traditional Christmas sugar, but what a lot of work. I frosted them while watching The Nutcracker and the Tabs Christmas Program from a few years ago.

Close-up of a few.

Airie brought a really yummy Red Velvet Cake (thanks) minus the whole bottle of red food coloring.

The colorful cast of characters getting ready for the Nativity.

Dressed and ready to go...

Shepherds and sheep at the manger.

The wise man and women (Brie and Autumn's nose!) at the manger scene, with the sheep still hanging around.

A wise woman and a little lamb.

We're chiming Christmas carols on the metal pipes. We also had a fabulous talent show which Dad videoed but we didn't get any still shots. Dad says he'll put them on some CDs (it's probably about 15 minutes worth), 'cause I'm sure you'll want to see yourselves and relive the memorable performances at least one more time. Brielle sang the 12 Days of Christmas with Baron on the guitar. Colby, after an initial hesitation, read the Sweet Smells of Christmas classic book while Donette and Brie passed out the goodies to go with the story (see below). This year's "Airie and Abram's Sock Puppet Show" was everything we expected. The puppets were great (she had orange braids and he had a crocheted hat!) and threw marshmallow snowballs into the audience (some were tossed back!) to "Marshmallow World" by Johnny Mathis. We were all "taken aback" with Autumn and Leslie and David's daring rendition of Hannah Montana's Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree. David (as Hannah) was hilarious. The girls owe you big time, David. This year, Mom found at last the lyrics to the old "6 Pink Peppermints to Christmas" song that is an elementary school program memory for some of you kids. With great props and an amusing, frantic approach to "there's lots and lots of things for us do" it's hoped that no one noticed that she obviously didn't find time to practice it and was mostly confused!

These are the goodies that everyone received when Colby read his story with such a cute voice and inflections.

Mr. Potato Heads...we just had to play a round or two.

Mr. Ho Ho Ho...after losing 25 lbs. this year, we had to find some stuffing. Looks like we succeeded.

Colby checking out Santa's sack of toys and goodies.

oooooooo...something for me!

Baron, opening Christmas socks from Santa and Mom's Christmas sock-feet..

What did this good (?) little girl and boy get from Santa?

Brie and Colby enjoying their BIG pencils and Digger Dan and Princess Ornament filled with candy. It was really good to be together and celebrate with lots of food and activities. Thanks, family, for helping and participating. Dad and I thought it was great fun. See you on Christmas!


Donette said...

We had a great time too. I love the picture of Colby peeking under the piano at the train! But try not to use a wide angle lens when taking a picture of me....I'm sure I don't really look like that right?(Tongue in cheek) Thanks again for hosting!

Airie said...

HEY! We had the best time ever at the party and on Christmas. Thanks again, and tell Santa he's more than welcome to return next year, hehehe! :)