Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

Thanksgiving 2008 was a delight. There were 7 of us around the table sharing a great meal, including a moist and tasty 19.5 lb. turkey. (I planned on a smaller one, but the 20 pounders cost the same as the 16 pounders, so...) The sun came out just as we sat down to stuff ourselves. Everyone helped with the preparations and Abram's turkey pan suggestion and the turkey lifter proved to make the gravy gathering the least traumatic of many years. Airie's rolls and Autumn's green olives added a lot. Baron and Colby came by after dinner for a few minutes. We watched a movie called "Stardust," played games and talked into the night. The 5 from Provo stayed over night. We had pancakes and bacon and grapefruit for breakfast, then worked together to put up the many little green lights. (Thanks to all!) There were plenty of turkey leftovers for lunch and then more games before the end of the day. How grateful we are for our many, many blessings!

Mr. and Mrs. Gobble, the salt and pepper shakers, with the boy's food and black olives in Grandma B.'s old blue bowl.

Dad carved the roast beast.

Putting the finishing touches on the table.

Moo Cow butter dish and Great Grandma Bernetta Bell Brown's Noritake china bowl.

Ready to eat!

Autumn Peanut chillin'.

Abram & Airie smilin'.

Leslie's brother David, wondering when the feast will begin.

Autumn's roommate, Leslie, helping in the kitchen.

Colby reading. It was a most amazing moment. Colby picked up The Spooky Old Tree from the hearth, jumped up in Baron's lap and read the book start to finish, every word. More words came out of his mouth in those 10 minutes than we have heard him speak in all 3 of his years.

Baron, Colby & Grandpa

Posing after dinner.

And don't forget the pumpkin pie!

In the traditon of Grandma Barker, little gifts after dinner...chap sticks.

There were plenty of games to follow including these, plus Pit and Scattergories on Friday.

Friday morning, the master electrician is getting ready for the big battle.

Trying to untangle the wires...where is that plug?

Part of the helpful crew. It went pretty fast with 7 workers. Well, it took 2 hours to almost finish. As usual, some strands lit up when tested in the garage and then went flaky when strung around the trees. Had to make an emergency run to WalMart and Target for more lights, of course. Finished up on Saturday...6 big trees and 2 big bushes. Luckily the weather cooperated very nicely.

Phew, this is work.

Once again, the man with all the height in the family conquered the getting-bigger-every-year blue spruce.

Leslie and David and Autumn took on the bosnians.The power cord is in place. One down and how many to go?? Now who's going to get up on the ladder?

Autumn (and the famous finger) keeping a smile on her face.
Goofing off!

Airie bringing down tools of the trade...almost time for lunch!

Golden Euonymus in fall finery. Winter is just around the corner. I'm sitting here typing in the details and listening to Deck the Halls and other Mannheim Christmas music!


Melissa said...

Looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Airie said...

Well documented (photographically and otherwise) I must say. Thanks for a great weekend. We had a good time with everyone. :)

Autumn said...

Thanks for the fun and the food it was all good! I hope you worked everything out with the lights;)