Sunday, October 2, 2011

At Last..or Finally...Red Butte Gardens!!!

I have been trying to get to Red Butte Gardens for many a year. I've always sorta suggested it for my birthday, but it's off the beaten path for family members down south and then it's been put off for some reason or other. I've thought that spring or summer would be the best time to visit, but this last week of September, with the beautiful (almost record warmth) sunny days, turned out to be perfect. We spent 2-1/2 hours strolling around and taking in the flowers and bees, water features and boweries, sculptures and gift shop, etc. Dad took 188 photos with his big camera and I took 192 with the little one! WHAT FUN!!! We pared them down (not fun) to the following 82!!! Hope you enjoy looking at them.


briton said...

wow, that place is pretty cool. I thought I'd been there before --on path to Ensign Peak? But I don't remember anything so fancy. Great shots, I liked all the colors. And great weather --we had drizzle rain today... but still got out for a small hike and weenie roast with the kids.

Airie said...

LOVELY! Glad you finally made it! :)

Autumn said...

HOORAY! I'm so glad you were finally able to make it to Red Butte. From the look of it I will have to go there sometime soon myself, what a fun place. You both did such a great job taking awesome pictures. Thanks for sharing!