Thursday, October 28, 2010

Francis Peak

On Friday, October 22nd, we decided to drive up Farmington Canyon to see if there were a few colorful leaves still clinging to the trees. We were pressing our luck, knew we had waited past their prime and we weren't too hopeful, but ended up being pleasantly surprised! It was a gray day, so the photos don't have the benefit of a blue sky, but perhaps the overcast conditions kept the colors from looking washed-out by the sun. We got a late start...didn't drive by Farmington Pond until 3:00pm and we didn't get back until half an hour after sunset, around 7:30pm. We had fun and decided to go all the way up to Francis's been a long time. The temperatures were perfect, until we got on the tippy-top and there was a cold wind blowing. The canyon was pretty busy for a Friday afternoon, but it was Deer Hunt Eve and hunters were setting up camps. We managed to work in 6 fun geocaches, of course. We are so glad we went, 'cause the next day Francis Peak was covered with snow! Here are a couple dozen photos to whip through...

Maybe you'll recognize this area (and the next 9 photos). It's Sunset Campground...a great picnicing spot and fall photo venue from the past.

Two opposing benches have been placed at the end of a trail (jutting out into the canyon), one facing east for viewing the sunrise (this one) and one facing west to view the sunset.

This photo is taken from the west-facing bench, looking down Farmington Canyon.

Dad's photo of fallen leaves...almost as good as Autumn's.

Last shot of the Sunset Campground area, near the start of the short trail that goes out to the benches and a geocache.

Colorful Quakies.

We're getting higher up now, near the turnoff to the continuing along Skyline Loop (south to Bountiful) or onto Francis Peak Road to the north.

Here's the weather station at the end of the drive on top of Francis Peak...9,560'.

The view to the west...Farmington Bay and Antelope Island.

View to the can see Morgan.

At the top of the ridge, hair blowing, Morgan in the background.

Looking back north to Francis Peak from a geocache. Can you see our "little mule'?
On the path to another cache at another campground on top.

This is the largest geocache ammo can we have ever seen!!! It was huge and pretty much right out in the place to conceal it! The first thing Dad pulled out was a vacuum attachment!!!

Mom in the woods...notice the twisted aspen trunks at ground level.

One last shot looking west from Francis Peak at sunset.

And here I am in the yard the next day..."Just pruning in the rain." There are little leaves all over my back from standing under the willow. The crisp-dry days of fall are over.

I wondered if Oregon people were used to gardening in the rain. It was a new and short-lived experience for me. Luckily, the BYU football game started shortly after this shot.

1 comment:

Autumn said...

The canyon looks beautiful. Your pics are lovely. That first shot of the rock and the yellowish tree is my favorite I think. The sunset is really awesome as well. Please tell me you brought the vacuum attachment home...that is funny!