Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Basil, Blossoms & Berries, Battling Birds, Bad Boy

1) My grown-from-seed sweet basil has petite white flowers and a strong scent if even brushed. I guess I should start harvesting some leaves for drying.

2) Raspberries have really enjoyed the cooler, wetter spring. The plants are lush. Berries may take a little longer to turn red & ripe this year.

3) Dad was home one afternoon last week and was trying to get a photo (through the window) of a pheasant strutting through the back yard, when he heard a lot of screeching. Looking up he saw 3 red-tailed hawks in a dog fight! Two were chasing the other one who had scored a critter. He photographed 2 of them (pretty good for through the window). Evidently it was amazing to watch.

4) Dad also watched the antics of a little squirrel who was nosing around the deck checking o ut the geraniums and chairs. He looks pretty guilty (caught gray-handed). After this photo, he ducked under the BBQ and Dad got another shot of him peeking out from under the cover.
(Please click on these images to see the details in the enlargements!)


Airie said...

It sounds funny to call it a dog fight when they're birds! :) Pretty amazing stuff Dad! It seems to me they might have caught the buddy of that little gray "friend" of yours. I'm jealous of your basil. Maybe I should start an herb garden at the office, haha. Thanks for the great pics.

Autumn said...

I am also jealous of your basil and the raspberries too. The bird and squirrel pictures are great! Where's the picture of him peeking out?

briton said...

what does basil smell like anyway? I forget. and it makes me think of that "basil"isk (??) thing in archon. cue music, Airie's jammin'
Dad, most impressive "hawkeye" on that shot. --musta been with your new bazooka?