With such a moist spring and summer, our crop of shrooms is doing well.
Here are some more shots...
https://picasaweb.google.com/103890614854568345609/August22011?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCMvb26et_4PbOA&feat=directlink It wouldn't be July without a photo of Farmington Festival Days and the parachute canopy.
We went over for lunch, Navajo Tacos, yum, and some browsing around. Airie and Abram joined us after a wedding reception to watch the fireworks (pretty decent) at 10:00pm.
Mom and Airie, trying out my new quilting frames...creating a snuggly light purple gingham flannel blanket, backed with a darker plain purple flannel, for Airie.
Cutting the purple knots the next day.
Looking at the trunk full of old baby clothes from the '70s and '80s...mostly Autumn and Airie's little things.
Celebrating Baron's Birthday at the Cheescake Factory (yes!) I believe the birthday boy is leading us in a rendition of Happy Birthday to You as the waiter and waitress join in and bring out our leftovers and cheesecake to go!
Be sure to look at the rest of the photos including Autumn's new wheels, here:
Another round of quilting, this time for Little Miss who is on the way. You can see more details on Airie's Goomba Shoe Blog.
July 29th and 30th, Autumn and Leslie held a giant garage sale in Lindon Park with the proceeds going to their friend with cancer, Sharolyn. We went down to offer support, buy a few children's books and blank video tapes and take Autumn out to lunch at Kneaders.
Lots of people donated and lots of people helped out. Great service project.