Tuesday, August 30, 2011


The time we knew would come at last, has come at last. We left for Hillsboro, Oregon, Wednesday evening, August 24th and returned Sunday night, August 28th. It was a great and exciting and memorable adventure and the weather was fabulous, except for the first few legs down Mt. Hood in a down pour in the early morning hours and maybe a few extra toasty legs during the day.

"They ran them off their feet!"

Congratulations to everyone...you were "More Marvelous."

Here are some photos documenting the event:

Monday, August 22, 2011

5K Walk/Run in Farmington, August 20th

August 20, 2011...West Farmington...Dad and I walked in the Davis County 5K Walk/Run and had lots of fun. Check out the photos...

and check out the results on page 12 of this link:

We think we did great and we had lots of fun for free, got in some good exercise, plus we won prizes!!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Quilt Show

On Wednesday evening, August 17th, we drove to Orem and picked up Autumn from work and then on to American Fork to see her new abode...an old home on a shady street with a nice yard. Then it was off to Springville to see a quilt show at the art museum. We spent a lot of time examining 100 quilts, plus other art. It was fun to compare opinions, etc. Then we went to dinner at the Art City Trolley in Springville...a fun and casual "diner" with great food...I had a yummy selection from their list of quesadillas. We got to see Baron's billboard about the motorcycle ride sponsored by Autumn's office. We also got to see a lot of orange cones and barrels and pot holes. The north bound entrance to the freeway at 1600 N. was closed, so we had to drive back towards Provo in order to get on I-15 to Salt Lake. Fun and games. But we did have a very enjoyable evening. Hope you don't get bored with all the photos and comments about the quilts...I got carried away. You can see if you agree with us... https://picasaweb.google.com/103890614854568345609/August212011Quilts?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCIzzy6i7zcPA6QE&feat=directlink

Just sharing 3 Farmington sky photos... https://picasaweb.google.com/103890614854568345609/August212011Sky?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCMX3z6yWnaudJQ&feat=directlink

I know I've posted shroomage photos before and these are very similar, but it's interesting how they changed from one day to the next... https://picasaweb.google.com/103890614854568345609/August212011Shrooms?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCL-yw5nluZOHfA&feat=directlink

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Some July Stuff

With such a moist spring and summer, our crop of shrooms is doing well.
Here are some more shots...

It wouldn't be July without a photo of Farmington Festival Days and the parachute canopy.

We went over for lunch, Navajo Tacos, yum, and some browsing around. Airie and Abram joined us after a wedding reception to watch the fireworks (pretty decent) at 10:00pm.

Mom and Airie, trying out my new quilting frames...creating a snuggly light purple gingham flannel blanket, backed with a darker plain purple flannel, for Airie.

Cutting the purple knots the next day.

Looking at the trunk full of old baby clothes from the '70s and '80s...mostly Autumn and Airie's little things.

Celebrating Baron's Birthday at the Cheescake Factory (yes!) I believe the birthday boy is leading us in a rendition of Happy Birthday to You as the waiter and waitress join in and bring out our leftovers and cheesecake to go!

Be sure to look at the rest of the photos including Autumn's new wheels, here:

Another round of quilting, this time for Little Miss who is on the way. You can see more details on Airie's Goomba Shoe Blog.

July 29th and 30th, Autumn and Leslie held a giant garage sale in Lindon Park with the proceeds going to their friend with cancer, Sharolyn. We went down to offer support, buy a few children's books and blank video tapes and take Autumn out to lunch at Kneaders.

Lots of people donated and lots of people helped out. Great service project.